I loved my mother dearly. However, I used to mourn what she could not give me rather than applaud all the treasures in the moments I had received from her. A broken identity comes in many forms. It clouds the beauty of life, allowing us to see a skewed version of the flowers comprising their unique being. Many of us only view life and those who enter our lives with blurred lenses. We fail to embrace the beauty surrounding us. Instead, we believe the lies we tell ourselves and the misconceptions of others. There are treasures in everyone we know and meet! All of us have been misguided and misunderstood in one way or another. Therefore, our lives project differences. The beauty of sharing within a community of others increases the wealth of our lives.
Mourn the loss, and gather the flowers! My mother cherished her family. She learned Grace somewhere in her journey. She was sick as a child with Scoliosis, a heart condition, and anemia, having been in and out of the hospital, this made her life unbearable. However, you would have never known what she had gone through. She trusted in the Lord for strength and learned how to manage life. Grace was present through these experiences. Grace is undeserved favor. It is a complete understanding that one is not on earth accidentally, but is given a life to honor God. Undeserved favor is given to those who embrace God's amazing love, although justifiably deserving nothing.
Mourn the loss, but gather the flowers! Mom had to mourn the loss of depleted energy, fatigue, and lost sick days. However, there was still joy in knowing Christ, her risen Savior. She had to mourn what appeared as losses, and redirect her attention by appreciating her family, friends, and serving others. She had to mourn the loss of her youngest sister's death but enjoyed the memories of laughter, talking, and the differences in their personalities and walks of life. I am sure she mourned the loss of her husband yet reminisced on the joy of him calling her "My-dear" and the ongoing love he brought to our family. I am sure she had to mourn the loss of wayward children and embrace the flowers of hugs, kisses, school achievements, and their work to help enhance our family's living. I'm sure she mourned the loss of chemo fatigue, weakness, nausea, etc., after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and replacing the ill-wills of the disease by reflecting on the benefits of the good times in life.
Mom mourned many of life's trials; however, she gathered the magnificent flowers along the way and answered with Grace! She realized her prayers could reach heaven
faster than worry could sustain her grief. The Grace she gave to others allowed her to live a secure, loving, and prosperous life.
How about You? Are you mourning your losses? It is okay to mourn your loss but gather each flower as you move forward. There are flowers in every aspect of our grief. It doesn't matter what the loss, each time you worry, you take away from the pleasures of each petal awaiting you. Remember, Grace is not only for others but also for you!
Contact me if you are having difficulty mourning your losses and gathering your flowers. Let's see what resolutions we can come up with. Hopefully, I'll talk with you soon!